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Dutchess County Historical Society
“The things that we can see and touch awaken the imagination. Local history touches off these things that have happened on the spot; and the facts of local history become parts of a person’s own life to an extent which is rare with scenes and incidents one has taken solely out of books and secondhand accounts.” The historian and philosopher, Louis Mumford, speaking to the DCHS membership at the Amenia estate of Joel and Amy Spingarn in September of 1926.

Wealth & Poverty: The Economic Diversity of Dutchess County’s 19th Century Black Community
Learn how global trade and a Wall Street Baron intersected with local merchants and working class through the tumultuous period of the 19th Century and US Civil War. Through the generous sponsorship of Dutchess County government in recognition of Black History Month. Join DCHS for this online event Feb 20th. Learn more and register.

Our New Location & Mailing Address: 6282 Route 9, Rhinebeck NY 12572
We are not yet fully open to the public as we are still in transition, but are beginning to operate on a limited basis. Please email us with any questions! ~ Bill Jeffway, Executive Director