Call for Articles: DCHS Yearbook 2022

“Invisible People, Untold Stories”

This is a Call for Articles
 from the Dutchess County Historical Society for its 2022 Yearbook, vol. 101.
Bill Jeffway, Melodye Moore, Will Tatum, are this issue’s co-editors.
Purpose and role of DCHS Yearbook

The Dutchess County Historical Society has published the annual Yearbook since the organization’s founding in 1914, making it the longest-serving historical journal in New York State.

The focus on publishing is a distinct hallmark of DCHS, embraced from the very first organizational meeting held at the Pleasant Valley Free Library in April of 1914.

Helen Wilkinson Reynolds was the researching and writing powerhouse of the early days, who established “the pursuit of historical truth” as a central tenet. The annual award DCHS gives out in her name recognizes individuals who have pursued historical truth effectively. Her partnership with the professional photographer Margaret DeMott Brown set a high standard for documenting historical facts that are interpreted and published through written words and photographs. This continues today with the addition of video, social media, and live digital broadcasts.

Integration with DCHS Programs & Exhibitions

The annual publishing pace, as well as the length of articles in the DCHS Yearbook, allows us to address larger issues in more depth. Given the sharing opportunities that digital communications now provide, DCHS is increasingly using Yearbook content as an “anchor,” surrounding it, and enlarging interest in it, by allowing authors the option of giving talks and/or collaborating with DCHS to create online exhibitions to create further learning opportunities. We believe these extra dimensions will help make the content relevant to more people over a longer time.

The DCHS Yearbook is distinct because we focus on Dutchess County only, understanding local history through the eyes of local individuals, places, objects and events.

Issue deadline & requirements

Submit text and images to editors using the form below by March 15, 2022, unless an extension is individually agreed.

Word length excluding footnotes: 2,000 to 4,000 words in a word doc or similar common format.

Number of images: this can vary widely depending on topic. .jpg or .tiff at 300 dpi or better.

Image captions: Please provide or sentence or two as an image caption.

Image copyright: Please note any copyright issues, and confirm usage rights for publication.

Bio: Please provide a bio of approximately 150 words.


The Forum section will contain articles of under-represented histories. Criteria for this is best explored in conversation with co-editors.

The Articles section will contain articles of general interest.

The only requirement is that at least a significant portion of the topic is seen through the lens of Dutchess County in some way.


Please use Chicago Manual of Style format, for example:

Franklin D. Roosevelt, “508th Press Conference, December 10, 1938,”Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1938 Volume: The Continuing Struggle for Liberalism (New York: Macmillan, 1941), p. 632.

Nancy V. Kelly, “Rhinebeck: Transition in 1799” in The Hudson Valley Regional Review Vol. 6, No. 2 (March 1989), p. 94.


Copyright will be shared between the Dutchess County Historical Society and the author. The author may re-issue the article in the year after it is published in the DCHS yearbook. DCHS asks that we be notified of any republication of your article.

Copyright is retained by the Dutchess County Historical Society, although the author may re-issue the article in the year after it is published in the DCHS Yearbook. DCHS asks that we be notified of any republication of your article.