Local issues

How are others handling the issue?
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City has asked Native Americans to comment on its collections that depict Native Americans, and their ancient and historic lands. An example below, and right. Click here for full exhibition.
To me, every bend in the Muhheacanituck (Hudson River) is a beloved view. It is a fertile, life-giving place where Mohican ancestors cultivated bountiful harvests and enjoyed tranquil canoe journeys downriver to exchange news, game, and other gifts with their Munsee kin. It is a sacred landscape from which our surviving community continues to derive pride and meaning. It is our namesake, the Muhheacanituck, the waters that are never still. It is home. The fort’s presence is a reminder of the colonists’ need to defend lands that were not their home. Today that tension is still present even if the forts are not. Every day we confront this truth as we work to protect burial places and other sacred sites. The theft is still unresolved. —Bonney Hartley (Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican)
