This award honors exceptional contributions to the Dutchess County community and beyond in the areas of preservation, history, and/or education.
2022 Awardees: Lou & Candace Lewis

At the 2018 Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley event which “honors individuals who are instrumental in improving lives through their community philanthropy,” Lou and Candace Lewis were recognized as “empowering local institutions both with financial support and personal involvement.” That is an apt description of their involvement with DCHS and local history for over a half century.
Born and raised in Poughkeepsie, Lou’s involvement with DCHS formally started with his 1963 DCHS membership, the same year that he met Candace. “Two good choices that year,” Lou is happy to share! Candace’s involvement with local history commences at that time, as well. A practicing lawyer for 50 years, Lou has represented many local non-profits including Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Locust Grove and Walkway over the Hudson. He serves on the board of the Dutchess County Interfaith Council. His is known at DCHS for his generosity of time, financial contributions, his fundraising efforts, and his ability to recruit key people, such as the current board President and Executive Director.
Candace, a Vassar College graduate with a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at NYU, has taught art history at Vassar and Marist colleges. Among her outstanding achievements at DCHS, in addition to being DCHS president, is her eight year tenure as DCHS Yearbook editor spanning the landmark 2014 Centennial Edition to volume 100, the 2021 Women of Dutchess County, New York: Voices and Talents, Part II. Candace’s invention of a two-part consecutive series amplifies the journal’s role as an in-depth resource that is used for generations. Whether measured individually, or together, Lou and Candace leave a lasting impression and have been among a top tier of financial donors, fundraisers, and stewards of DCHS and its landmark publication, the Yearbook.
Lou & Candace Lewis
At the 2018 Community Foundations of the Hudson Valley event which “honors individuals who are instrumental in improving lives through their community philanthropy,” Lou and Candace Lewis were recognized as “empowering local institutions both with financial support and personal involvement.” That is an apt description of their involvement with DCHS and local history for over a half century.
Born and raised in Poughkeepsie, Lou’s involvement with DCHS formally started with his 1963 DCHS membership, the same year that he met Candace. “Two good choices that year,” Lou is happy to share! Candace’s involvement with local history commences at that time, as well. A practicing lawyer for 50 years, Lou has represented many local non-profits including Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Locust Grove and Walkway over the Hudson. He serves on the board of the Dutchess County Interfaith Council. His is known at DCHS for his generosity of time, financial contributions, his fundraising efforts, and his ability to recruit key people, such as the current board President and Executive Director.
Candace, a Vassar College graduate with a Ph.D. from the Institute of Fine Arts at NYU, has taught art history at Vassar and Marist colleges. Among her outstanding achievements at DCHS, in addition to being DCHS president, is her eight year tenure as DCHS Yearbook editor spanning the landmark 2014 Centennial Edition to volume 100, the 2021 Women of Dutchess County, New York: Voices and Talents, Part II. Candace’s invention of a two-part consecutive series amplifies the journal’s role as an in-depth resource that is used for generations. Whether measured individually, or together, Lou and Candace leave a lasting impression and have been among a top tier of financial donors, fundraisers, and stewards of DCHS and its landmark publication, the Yearbook.
Prior Awardees
Ralph & Doris Adams ~ J. Winthrop Aldrich ~ Myra Young Armstead ~ Barbara & Robert Bielenberg ~ D. David Conklin ~ Elizabeth A. Daniels ~ Frank Doherty ~ Edward E. Downey ~ Margaretta Downey ~ Jesse Effron ~ Frances Fergusson ~ John J. Gartland, Jr. ~ Joyce C. Ghee ~ Burton Gold ~ John & Gloria Golden ~ Frederica S. Goodman ~ Clyde Griffen ~ James F. Hall ~ Ada Scism Harrison ~ Bernard & Shirley Handel ~ E. Stuart & Linda Hubbard ~ Larry Hughes ~ Bradford H. Kendall ~ Michael Korda ~ Bill & Mary Lunt ~ Melodye K. Moore ~ Robert Murphy ~ Dennis J. Murray ~ Joseph N. Norton ~ Walter Patrice ~ Ruth Stafford Peale ~ Alice Provensen ~ Frances S. Reese ~ Caroline Reichenberg ~ Lorraine M. Roberts ~ Gretta Tritch Roman ~ Albert M. Rosenblatt ~ Fred Schaeffer ~ Dr. Sam Simon ~ Willa Skinner ~ Elizabeth Smith ~ Roger Smith ~ Marie Tarver ~ Gretta Tritch Roman ~ Denis D. VanBuren ~ Barbara Van Itallie ~ Norma W. VanKleeck ~ Kay Tremper Verilli ~ Mary Kay Vrba ~ Richard K. Wager ~ Kenneth Walpuck ~ Thomas S. Wermuth