To the Dutchess County Business Community,
As someone who has been involved in the business community of Dutchess County for many years, and knows that our local history is a distinguishing and valuable asset, I am pleased to be in a position in my role as President of the Dutchess County Historical Society to help the business community and DCHS better support each other.
Businesses that are seen to support local history make themselves distinct by expressing their values and the depth of their commitment to community. As the business environment gets tougher, this is an important way that customers can distinguish among competitive offerings.
Support through sponsorship ensures that you and your organization will receive the greatest visible recognition in our public engagement. Let the public know that your business operates with community values in mind and is here for the long term. Three popular options are outlined below, or we can craft a tailor-made solution:
$2,000 Annual Business Membership
$1,000 One Month Virtual Event Space Sponsorship
$500 Singe Event Sponsorship
Rob Doyle, DCHS President
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$2,000 Annual Business Membership
Highest-value, fullest online and offline presence
This is the highest impact and best value. This includes what we call a “curated topic” of your choice, including your logo with a link to your website, and a statement from you in your own words. This also includes logos with links on our monthly newsletter, presence in social media, events and programs.
Our website is designed by professionals to ensure high search ranking and links to community organizations that range from the FDR Presidential Library & Museum to local historical societies and organizations.
When the public searches online for anything related to your line of business, they will see your business is actively engaged in the preservation and sharing of our local history, whether that is the history of our nation’s founding, its industries, or its variously talented people. We attract over one thousand quality visitors a month. See what others are doing:
Poughkeepsie Public Library spotlights:
Poughkeepsie, The City of Schools
Hudson Views spotlights:
Views of the Hudson
CR Properties spotlights:
The Cast Iron Building
$1,000 Virtual Event Space Sponsorship
For example: N&S Supply’s Monthly Sponsorship included month-long presence across the whole video archive, and permanent recognition in that month’s program about water:

$500 Single Event Sponsorship
See a recent example here: