Research Tools

Tools: Photograph Search
Two-step search for book titles: Type in a single word. Scroll through resulting list. This search function is different from traditional search engines. Type a single search term in the search box (only use a second word if you are sure the two words follow in sequence such as “Vassar College”). Then scroll down what will be the highlighted lines that have that word or sequence of words. You can search a word in the title, description, or photographer. Type your search term here:
Posted in: Research Tools

Tools: Yearbook Access & Search
Individual Editions Two-step search for article, author, or topics 1. Type a single word. 2. Scroll through resulting list. This search function is different from traditional search engines. Type a single search term in the search box (only use a second word if you are sure it will follow in sequence such as “Clinton House”). Then scroll down what will be the highlighted lines that have that word or sequence of words. You can search a word in the title, or author name, or topic tag. All DCHS Yearbooks since our inaugural issue in 1914 are available in a searchable digital form.
Posted in: Research Tools

Tools: The Dr. Franklin R. Butts Research Library at Clinton House
Two-step search: 1. Type single search word. 2. Scroll through resulting list. This search function is different from traditional search engines. Type a single search term in the search box (only use a second word if you are sure in will follow in sequence such as “Poughkeepsie Directory”). Then scroll down what will be the highlighted lines that have that word or sequence of words. You can search a word in the title, or author name, or topic tag. For example: Type Livingston For example: Type Poughkeepsie Directory Type your search term here and the list will be generated automatically:
Posted in: Research Tools

START HERE: Overview to All DCHS Resources
The best way for us to help you find the answers you are looking for involves asking you to be as specific as possible about what information you are looking for. We are increasingly working to create searchable finding aids and collections, but it is impossible OTHER RESOURCES OUTSIDE OF DCHS
Posted in: Research Tools

Tools: Gravestones
19,000 Inscriptions Poucher & Reynolds, 1924: Burying Grounds of Sharon, CT, Amenia & North East, NY: Poughkeepsie, Red Hook, Salt Point, Crum Elbow, 1911:
Posted in: For everyone, Research Tools
DCHS Collections Finding Aids
Alphabetical List of DCHS Collections A ABBATT: Robert Abbatt PapersADRIANCE: John E. Adriance PapersALLEN: Lewis Allen CollectionARNOLD: Joseph Arnold PapersAVERILL: Walter Averill Collection B Bassett Family CollectionBostwick, Charles Edward PapersBowdoin Park CollectionBRAMAN CollectionBrill Family PapersBRINCKERHOFF: Theodore Brinckerhoff PapersBuck, Clifford CollectionBUDD CollectionButts, Franklin K. Collection C Cary, Mary Flagler PapersCaverly, Ludington PapersCoffin, Alexander H. PapersCOOPER CollectionCORNWELL Collection D Davies Family PapersDe La Vergne, Benjamin PapersDeGraff, Moses Papers E F Frost, Allen PapersFrost, Barbara Rulebook G Great Nine Partners CollectionGriffen, Clyde Collection H Hart-Hubbard Farm RecordsHICKS CollectionHolden Family LettersHutting, Isaac Papers K Kreiger Jr., George W. CollectionKRIEGER Collection L Livingston, Henry PapersLosee, Clara CollectionLossing, Benson Collection M Maar Family PapersMacCracken, Marjorie CollectionMcDowell, J. Spotts CollectionMcFarlin, Levi PapersMeyer, Richmond CollectionMILLER CollectionMISCELLANEOUS CollectionMylod, John J. Papers N Nelson, Francis PapersNoxon Family Papers P PAMPHLETS: Paper Bound CollectionParker, Welling Family PapersPERKINS: Edward Ellsworth Perkins CollectionPatrice, Walter CollectionPlatt Family PapersPRESTON Collection R Rare Books CollectionRees, Mrs. William D. CollectionRice, Solomon Papers S Schraeder Home Farm CollectionSherman Family PapersSmith, Isaac PapersSOUTHARD CollectionSouthard Family PapersSTORM: John V. Storm Misc. PapersStoutenburgh Papers T TAPPEN CollectionThompson, Smith PapersTHOMPSON: Smith Thompson CollectionTitus, Richard Papers V Van Kleeck, Norma CollectionVAN KLEECK CollectionVan Vlack, Abraham PapersVan Wyck Family PapersVassar Brothers Hospital Collection W Ward Family Photograph Collection 1Ward Family Photograph Collection 2Wigg Family PapersWildey Family PapersWODELLCollectionWODELL Collection Box 2
Posted in: Research Tools