The planned talk that was to be given at our Annual Meeting at FDR Library by Michael Dolan, DCHS VP for Poughkeepsie, is postponed to a later date. In recognition of the 75th anniversary of FDR’s passing, this Easter Sunday, April 12, Michael has curated a slideshow, presented here, with images from the National Archives & Records Administration in Washington (NARA) and the FDR Presidential Library & Museum in Hyde Park (FDRL). We hope to be able to announce soon when his talk, “FDR: Death of a Neighbor” can be rescheduled. In the meantime, these powerful photographs remind us that we move through periods of grief and trial (at the time the war in Europe and Asia had not come to a close) through extraordinary leadership such as offered by both Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. ~ Bill Jeffway
Click “i” lower left in slideshow for captions.

The newsreel of the funeral of President Roosevelt that was shown in movie theaters, in the days before television became the main visual news source.
Radio Broadcast
90-second clip of NBC’s Don Goddard’s radio broadcast where he reads the editorial of the Poughkeepsie New Yorker on FDR’s death. Images curated by Michael Dolan, courtesy National Archive and Records Administration and FDR Presidential Library and Museum. Newspaper clippings, DCHS. Contemporary photos, Bill Jeffway.
Radio Interview: John Mack & Moses Smith
WKIP’s Bruff Olin interviews long time Roosevelt friends Judge John Mack and Moses Smith two hours after the President’s death was announced.

NBC Radio Interview Elmer Van Wagner
NBC’s Don Goddard broadcasts from Hyde Park on April 13, 1945. He describes Dutchess County reaction to the President’s death and interviews Hyde Park Town Supervisor Elmer Van Wagner (shown in an undated photo, left).

Political Milestones