Vassar Professors Laura J. Wylie (above at left) and Gertrude Buck (above at right) hosted many gatherings in favor of women’s suffrage and other social justice and educational issues at their home at the fountain. With their beloved dog. Wylie and Buck photos by Margaret DeMott Brown, DCHS Collections. Contemporary photo by Bill Jeffway, 2019.
Installation & Dedication

Above left, announcement of new fountain in Leslie’s Weekly. Above right, the fountain was made by the well known James Beebe Company, view at 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. The same fountain stands in Savannah, Georgia.
Early Years

Photos by Benjamin Fowler, DCHS Collections.
World War One

Photos by Reuben Van Vlack, World War One, DCHS Collections.

1935 Controversy

1935 controversy. Scrapbook (3 pages) of Thomas W. Barrett, DCHS Collections.